European Chemical Industry News & Insights

Haffner Energy Partners with LanzaJet for Paris-Vatry SAF Project

At a glance
  • The Paris-Vatry SAF project will produce 30,000 tonnes of Sustainable Aviation Fuel annually.
  • The project uses ATJ technology and SAFNOCA® biomass-agnostic solution.
  • Syngas is converted into ethanol using LanzaTech's carbon recycling technology.
  • The project aims to comply with EU SAF regulations using advanced feedstocks.

Project Overview

Vitry-le-François, France - The Paris-Vatry SAF project, located at Paris-Vatry airport, aims to produce 30,000 tonnes of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) annually. The project, led by Haffner Energy, has the potential to triple its production capacity in the future.

Technology and Compliance

The project will utilize Alcohol-To-Jet (ATJ) technology, one of the most advanced pathways for ASTM-approved SAF production. To meet EU regulations, the biomass must be sourced from advanced feedstocks. Haffner Energy's SAFNOCA® solution, which is biomass-agnostic, will be used to produce syngas. This syngas will then be converted into ethanol using LanzaTech's carbon recycling technology and subsequently into SAF using LanzaJet's ATJ technology.

Sustainability Goals

Haffner Energy plans to use residual and local biomass to ensure the project is sustainable and supports the circular economy. This approach aims to benefit the local community while complying with European SAF mandates.

Expertise and Collaboration

Haffner Energy brings 30 years of expertise in converting advanced feedstock into syngas, which will be crucial for the project's success. The collaboration with LanzaJet leverages the strengths of both companies to create a comprehensive solution for SAF production.