European Chemical Industry News & Insights

Consortium Secures Initial Funding for Rotterdam Waste-to-Chemistry Project

At a glance
  • Initial investments of €9 million cover engineering, joint venture setup, and permitting.
  • Final investment decision for the €200-million project expected later in 2018.
  • Facility will convert 360,000 tons of waste into 220,000 tons of methanol.
  • Supported by Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate Policy and other regional bodies.

Project Overview

A consortium including Air Liquide, AkzoNobel Specialty Chemicals, Enerkem, and the Port of Rotterdam has signed an agreement for initial investments in a waste-to-chemistry facility in Rotterdam. This facility will be the first in Europe to convert non-recyclable waste into new raw materials, providing a sustainable alternative for waste management.

Investment and Timeline

The initial investment of €9 million will cover detailed engineering, the setup of a joint venture, and the permitting process. The consortium aims to make a final investment decision for the €200-million project later in 2018, with Dutch Rabobank appointed as the lead advisor for financing.

Government and Regional Support

The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate Policy supports the project, agreeing to develop mechanisms and regulations to scale the technology. Additional support comes from the City of Rotterdam, the Province of Zuid-Holland, and InnovationQuarter, the regional development agency.

Facility Capabilities

The facility will convert up to 360,000 tons of waste into 220,000 tons (270 million litres) of 'green' methanol, equivalent to the annual waste of over 700,000 households, and saving about 300,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions. It will be located in the Botlek area of the Port of Rotterdam, using Enerkem’s proprietary technology to convert waste into syngas and then into methanol for the chemical industry and transportation sector.

Production and Synergies

The plant will have two production lines, doubling the input capacity of Enerkem’s plant in Edmonton, Canada. It will leverage the Port of Rotterdam's infrastructure and synergies with Air Liquide for oxygen supply and AkzoNobel for hydrogen, with AkzoNobel also acting as a methanol customer.