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AIQBE news
2 July 2021
AIQBE 2020 Summary
Despite COVID-19, AIQBE added 2,565 jobs in 2020, contributing significantly to Huelva's GDP. Turnover was €6.9B, with 32% of production exported. Investments totaled €219M.
1 August 2018
AIQBE Companies' 2017 Economic Impact: €1.9 Billion
In 2017, AIQBE companies employed 9,558 people, invested €253.4M, and improved environmental metrics. They also promoted education and research through strong ties with local universities.
25 April 2018
AIQBE Marks Huelva Industry Day
Events included a technical conference, special mention for CIFP, inauguration of new refinery installations, a benefit concert, a paddle tournament, and an educational mobile unit visit.
31 March 2017
ENCE Biomass Plant Boosts AIQBE
A new 50MW low-emission biomass plant in Huelva will increase biomass consumption to 400,000 tons/yr, reduce CO2 emissions, and boost economic activity and employment.
30 March 2017
Andalusia Backs AIQBE and Industrial Sector
The Andalusian government, along with business and labor unions, has signed a pact to boost industrial activity and attract investments, with additional support from Huelva's provincial government.
30 March 2017
Andalusian Government Recognizes AIQBE
The Junta de Andalucía awarded AIQBE for its significant contributions to the economy and business sector over the past decades, coinciding with AIQBE's 30th anniversary.
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