- Topsoe's SOEC factory in Herning, Denmark, is expected to be operational by 2024.
- The 2,000-hour test involved 12 SOEC stacks with 1,200 cells.
- Topsoe received a EUR 94 million grant from the EU Innovation Fund in December 2023.
- SOEC technology produces 30% more hydrogen per total power input compared to conventional electrolyzers.
Demonstration Results
Topsoe's inaugural SOEC electrolyzer test demonstrated high stability and efficiency under industrial conditions. Conducted at the Frederikssund site in Denmark, the 2,000-hour test involved 12 SOEC stacks with 1,200 cells, all of which maintained stable temperature levels and high operational stability.
Production Plans
Topsoe plans to produce SOEC electrolyzers at its new factory in Herning, Denmark, which is expected to be operational by 2024. This facility will support the scaling and commercialization of SOEC technology.
Funding and Support
In December 2023, Topsoe's SOEC factory received a EUR 94 million grant from the EU Innovation Fund. Additionally, the project received financial support from the European Regional Development Fund via the grant REACTRF-22-0076.
Technological Advantages
Topsoe's SOEC technology operates at higher temperatures compared to other electrolyzer technologies, enabling industrial-scale production of green hydrogen using renewable electricity. When coupled with waste heat from downstream production processes, it produces 30% more hydrogen per total power input compared to conventional electrolyzers, offering the lowest levelized hydrogen cost per megawatt volume.