Nippon Gases to Build CO2 Plant in Germany

At a glance
  • Nippon Gases is investing in a plant for CO2 purification and liquefaction in Zörbig.
  • The plant will process CO2 from VERBIO's bioethanol production.
  • The project aims to reduce CO2 transport emissions by up to 330 tons per year.
  • VERBIO aims to be CO2 neutral by 2035.

New CO2 Plant in Zörbig

Nippon Gases Deutschland, a subsidiary of Nippon Sanso Holdings Corporation, is partnering with VERBIO Vereinigte BioEnergie AG to build a new plant in Zörbig, Germany. This facility will focus on the purification and liquefaction of biogenic CO2 sourced from VERBIO's bioethanol production.

Strategic Benefits

The central location of the Zörbig site in Germany will reduce transport distances to customers, enhancing product availability and supply security. By diversifying the CO2 supply base away from natural gas, the project also aims to improve environmental sustainability.

Environmental Impact

The proximity of the liquefaction and dry ice processing facilities will cut road transport of liquid CO2 by up to 380,000 km annually, reducing CO2 emissions by up to 330 tons per year. This initiative supports the sustainability of the entire value chain.

VERBIO's Commitment

VERBIO is committed to optimizing resource use, energy efficiency, and reducing its CO2 footprint. The company aims to be CO2 neutral by 2035, and the new plant is a step towards achieving this goal by harnessing CO2 generated during bioethanol production.

Applications of CO2 and Dry Ice

Liquid CO2 and dry ice have numerous industrial applications. The food industry uses liquid CO2 for freezing and modified atmosphere packaging, while the beverage industry also relies on it. Dry ice is essential for maintaining cold chains during transport.