- Eneco retrofits Bio Golden Raand to produce steam and electricity.
- AkzoNobel commits to purchasing sustainable steam for 12 years.
- Groningen Seaports builds steam distribution pipeline.
- Steam supply starts December 2016.
Project Overview
Eneco has received approval to retrofit its biomass facility, Bio Golden Raand in Delfzijl, to produce steam in addition to electricity. This development enables AkzoNobel to purchase sustainably generated steam for the next 12 years and invest in new infrastructure at the Delfzijl Chemical Park.
Infrastructure and Distribution
Groningen Seaports will provide the necessary infrastructure, including a steam distribution pipeline that will also be accessible to other interested parties. This setup will allow AkzoNobel to supply steam to neighboring customers.
Environmental Impact
By reducing its dependence on fossil fuels and using sustainably generated steam, AkzoNobel expects to cut CO2 emissions by an amount equivalent to what is produced annually by 12,500 households. This initiative is a significant step towards making the chemical sector more sustainable.
The supply of sustainably generated steam is scheduled to begin in December 2016.