Investment in membrane electrolysis facility in Strážske (Eastern Slovakia) by ENERGOCHEMICA SE group

At a glance
  • ENERGOCHEMICA SE group plans to invest in Eastern Slovakia by constructing a modern membrane electrolysis facility by 2017
  • The facility will produce chlorine products and sodium hydroxide, connected to planned salt mining in Zbudza
  • Directive 2010/75/EU requires termination of mercury electrolysis process at FORTISCHEM a.s. by December 2017
  • Investor aims to create 80 new jobs in region with high unemployment by starting up electrolysis facility

Bratislava - The ENERGOCHEMICA SE group has announced plans to invest tens
of millions of euros in Eastern Slovakia. The group wants to construct a modern membrane
electrolysis facility at the industrial site of the chemical factory in Strážske by 2017. The
facility will be used to produce chlorine products and sodium hydroxide. Given the need
for salt in this process, the project is connected to the planned mining of salt in Zbudza (a
village close to Strážske).
Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on industrial emissions
obliges the Member States to use the best available techniques. While mercury electrolysis
is the process in use at FORTISCHEM a.s., it is no longer considered to be among the best
available techniques and regulations require the operator to terminate its use by December
2017 at the latest.
The investor also considers the addition of modern technology to the Chemko, a.s. Slovakia
site as a means of supporting the region. The start-up of the electrolysis facility once salt
mining begins will create approximately 80 new jobs in this region with high unemployment.
Currently around 100 people work in the existing electrolysis facility at FORTISCHEM a.s.
Their employment will be preserved after shutdown and the company will work individually
with these employees to find suitable positions for them within the holding's companies.