Expansion of ABS capacity in Mantua, Italy by Versalis

At a glance

Investment in expanding ABS production plant aims to increase capacity for higher value products. Pilot plant for innovative ABS technology opened in 2017. Plans for chemical recycling of plastic waste in 2020. Pyrolysis-based processes to be used for production of raw materials and synthesis gas for industrial feedstocks.

The objective of the investment, with the expansion of the ABS (Acrilonitrile Butadiene Stirene) production plant for an additional capacity of 30 thousand tonnes per year, is to direct the production capacity of styrene polymers in Mantua towards differentiated and higher added value products, specifically designed for use in the automotive, furnishing and durable goods sectors. The project is currently at the engineering stage with start-up scheduled for 2020. In October 2017, the pilot plant was also opened to trial an innovative proprietary ABS technology registered with the One Step® brand. This technology will make it possible to further expand the ABS product range, allowing entry into new application sectors.

In 2020 for the non-recoverable part of plastic waste (Plasmix), processes of chemical recycling based on pyrolysis are in a developing stage, which will be applied in a pilot plant for the production of chemical raw materials or, in synergy with refining, in synthesis gas transformation technologies for the production of hydrogen or other industrial feedstocks.