European Chemical Industry News & Insights

Stora Enso Invests EUR 16M in Skoghall Mill Emission Plant

At a glance
  • EUR 16 million will be invested in a new chemical plant at Skoghall mill.
  • The project aims to reduce sulfur emissions.
  • Completion is expected by the end of 2017.
  • EUR 31 million of these investments are part of the 2016 capital expenditure forecast.

Investment Overview

Stora Enso is investing EUR 16 million in a new chemical plant at its consumer board mill in Skoghall, Sweden. This investment aims to enhance the environmental performance of the mill by reducing sulfur emissions. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2017.

Environmental Impact

The primary goal of this investment is to reduce sulfur emissions at the Skoghall mill, thereby improving its environmental footprint. This initiative is part of Stora Enso's broader commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Financial Details

EUR 31 million of these investments are included in Stora Enso's 2016 capital expenditure forecast, which totals EUR 680–720 million. This allocation underscores the company's focus on long-term environmental improvements and operational efficiency.