Construction on new unit in the Mažeikiai District, Lithuania begins at the sole crude oil refinery in the Baltic States.

At a glance
  • The only crude oil refinery in the Baltic States held a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a new Bottom of the Barrel Unit
  • Over EUR 640 million will be invested into the construction of a new Residue Conversion Unit
  • The project is planned to be completed by the end of 2024 and aims to produce more valuable light products while reducing dependence on macro changes
  • The project is considered important for the economy and energy security of the region, with significant contributions from partners and stakeholders

On 11 August, the only crude oil refinery in the Baltic States held a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the beginning of construction of new Bottom of the Barrel Unit. This project plays a huge role for the economy and energy security of the region and is also the biggest Polish capital investment in Lithuania.

The ceremony held in the refinery in Mažeikiai District was visited by such guest of honor as the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania Dainius Kreivys, First Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Dudziński, the Bishop of Telšiai Algirdas Jurevičius, executives of the general contractor Petrofac, representatives of local authorities and subcontractors.

Over EUR 640 million will be invested into construction of new Residue Conversion Unit. ‘In the context of ambitious energy transformation goals to be pursued by the world in the upcoming decades, the ambition of this refinery is to become the leader of a fair and sustainable energy transition in Central Europe,’ said Michal Rudnicki, General Director of Public Company ORLEN Lietuva which is the largest taxpayer and one of the largest employers and exporters in Lithuania. ‘We are aware that such ambitious goals can be achieved only in close cooperation with our partners and all stakeholders’. AB ORLEN Lietuva General Director emphasized in his speech that sustainable use of resources is one of the main objectives set in ORLEN strategy for the nearest decade.

‘The project, which is to open up the opportunities for further development of our company in the segments such as petrochemical industry, means that we will soon be able to deliver the European Green Deal’, told M. Rudnicki.

It is planned to complete the construction until the end of year 2024. The project, when implemented, will allow producing more valuable light products by decreasing the yields of high-sulphur fuel oil as well as improving competitiveness and reducing dependence on macro changes.

‘Poland is an important strategic partner for us in the energy sector, and ORLEN Lietuva business in Lithuania stands as an example of such successful partnerships. Refinery ensures stable supply of petroleum products to entire Baltic region and stands among the most important industries for our energy security. Therefore current investments of ORLEN are meaningful and important to Lithuania because this contributes to the competitiveness of Lithuanian economy and energy security,’ said the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania Dainius Kreivys.

Construction of new Residue Conversion Unit was entrusted to the general contractor Petrofac. Elie Lahoud who is the Chief Operating Officer for Engineering & Construction in Petrofac which has the headcount of over 8000 employees has traveled from the United Arab Emirates to Lithuania to wish success to entire team of the project. ‘This groundbreaking ceremony which marks the beginning of construction of Residue Conversion Unit in the refinery of ORLEN Lietuva is the cornerstone of comprehensive refinery modernization, environmental upgrade and expansion programme,’ said Elie Lahoud. ‘We are focused on reliable, solid and timely achievement of set goals inherent to this project.

This project is of high importance to the economy and energy security of the region therefore we are proud that we have an opportunity to contribute and assist to ORLEN Group in transformation of existing facilities and technologies and transition to the production of higher quality and more environmentally friendly fuels for our future generations.’

During the ceremony, the site was sanctified and time capsule with message for future generations was buried. ‘We hope and believe that the future will belong to the businesses with their development strategies based on the principles of sustainability. This message for the generations to come is a symbolic act of commitment to cooperation towards a sustainable future. Commitment to act responsibly and live in peace. To share and sustainably use the resources as we care for the world we live in and believe that it is our duty to ensure its long-term survival and sustainable future for our planet,’ says the message signed by ORLEN Lietuva General Director Michal Rudnicki,  the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania Dainius Kreivys, and Petrofac representative Elie Lahoud.