European Chemical Industry News & Insights

Construction Begins at Muga Potash Mine in Spain

At a glance
  • Initial construction at Muga Mine includes fencing, staff facilities, and excavation.
  • Mining will start at a depth of approximately 350 meters.
  • Highfield relinquished Goyo Sur and Muga P.I. areas due to lack of geological interest.
  • The current project area covers approximately 14km2.

Construction Initiation

Initial construction work at the Muga Mine in Aragón, Spain, has commenced following the issuance of a construction license by the Townhall of Undués de Lerda. The contract for these initial works has been signed with Acciona Construcción S.A. The scope of work includes fencing the plot, installing above-ground construction staff facilities, clearing and stockpiling topsoil, excavating the mine entrance, forming embankments, and stabilizing slopes with bolts and gunite.

Project Overview

The Muga Project targets shallow sylvinite beds within a 46km2 area in the Provinces of Navarra and Aragón. Mining is planned to start at a depth of approximately 350 meters, making it suitable for a low-cost conventional mine accessed via a dual decline. The project aims to provide a stable potash supply, especially crucial given the current geopolitical instability affecting potash availability in Europe.

Geological Adjustments

In Q1 2022, Highfield relinquished the Goyo Sur and Muga P.I. areas within the Muga project due to their lack of geological interest. Additionally, the Vipasca area, adjacent to Muga, was partially relinquished in 2021. The central and western areas of Vipasca were found to have potash units situated at depths greater than 1100 meters, making them uneconomical. The current project area now covers approximately 14km2, focusing on the more economical eastern sector of Vipasca, which is considered an extension to the Muga Mining Concession.