European Chemical Industry News & Insights

Year in Review: European chemical industry 2022

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This report presents a visual overview of developments in the European chemical industry in 2022, highlighting new construction and expansion projects. It details the involved companies, target substances, and countries where these developments took place.

Project locations

A map displaying all new construction and expansion projects to be completed in 2022.

New plants and plant expansions in 2022 across Europe.

Plant and project location data provided by chemXplore Analytics.


Each project is labeled with one or more categories or sectors based on their target chemical processes. As can be seen from the chart, biobased & circular and energy related investments clearly outnumber other categorie in 2022.

A estimated total of 52 projects were completed.

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New construction vs expansion

  • New construction: 28
  • Expansion: 21

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Target substances top 10

Number of projects that target the production of these chemical substances. In addtion to targeting the production of substances, there are also 4 projects aiming to capture & store carbon dioxide (CCS).

Most targeted substances include Carbon dioxyde Carbon dioxyde, Propylene Propylene, PET PET, Biodiesel Biodiesel, Ethylene Ethylene, Hydrogen Hydrogen, Polypropylene Polypropylene, Polystyrene Polystyrene, Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, and Sodium bicarbonate Sodium bicarbonate.

Owners & Investors

Countries top 7

Countries ordered by estimated number of projects completed throughout 2022. The top 7 consists of Germany Germany, Belgium Belgium, France France, United Kingdom United Kingdom, Spain Spain, Finland Finland, and Italy Italy.

Chemical clusters

Many projects are located on a chemical park or cluster. This is the top 5 with the highest number of projects completed in 2022:

Industriepark Höchst, Ghent Industrial zone, Port Of Antwerp, BASF SE, Ludwigshafen, Chempark Leverkusen Currenta, Chempark Dormagen, and Chemical Cluster Delfzijl.

Engineering & Construction top 7

Companies awarded contracts for design, engineering or construction (FEED, EPC, EPCI) of the projects, sorted by number of projects:

Average Investment Amount

€ 210 mln

The average investment value per project.

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